by Marcie Fallek, DVM, CVA

BACH FLOWER REMEDIES: These are essences of various types of flowers that can be used to treat emotional disorders. They were developed by Dr. Edward Bach, a nineteenth century British physician and homeopath. They are very safe and effective, and can be used alongside of any treatment.

HERBS: Herbs are a safe and gentle way of addressing many problems. Sometimes, in and of themselves, they can cure the condition, and sometimes I use them as an adjunct therapy with the energy modalities of acupuncture and homeopathy.

VITAMINS: Many of our companion animals are suffering from mild to severe vitamin deficiencies, and simply furnishing them with the needed vitamins can give dramatic results. Other times, I will use them in therapeutic doses, that can help boost the immune system and therefore help heal the patient.

GLANDULARS: These are extracted from the glandular tissues of animals, usually cows. I use only organic glandulars, to be sure that we are not adding harmful toxins, pesticides, hormones, etc, to the pet's already stressed system. These substances can help heal the damaged organs by adding needed enzymes and nutrients.

OTHER NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS: there are many many other natural products that can be very useful for your pet: from enzymatic supplements, to probiotics, to anti-oxidents, to apple cider vinegar, etc. After I examine the animal and go over all of the problems, we will come up with a plan individually tailored to his/her needs.


To prepare, thoroughly mix 1 slightly rounded teaspoon of slippery elm powder to 1 cup of cold water. Bring to a boil while stirring constantly. Then turn down the heat to simmer and continue to stir for another 2 to 3 minutes while the mixture thickens slightly. Take it off the heat, add 1 tablespoon of honey (for dogs only) and stir in well. Cool to room temperature.

Give 15 minutes prior to meals 3 times a day.

Administer ½ to 1 teaspoon to cats and small dogs, 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons for large dogs.

Cover the mixture and keep at room temperature (not in the refrigerator). Make a fresh batch every third day.